11/12 - Christmas SPECTACULAR! 2020

LISTEN: Apple // Spotify // Google // MP3 // RSS // TuneIn

Ho ho ho!

In this bumper Christmas special, our three households unite (at an appropriate social distance, of course) for a festive mix of songs, reminiscences and parlour games - and, of course, the legendary XXXmas Foxhole Christmas Quiz.

In the Zeitgeist, our one-man matchmaker Ollie Peart explores the unsettling uptick in loneliness wrought by the events of 2020 - and decides to turn the tide with his bespoke Match-A-Mate service.

Can his unique algorithm (‘If there’s one thing you can get on with somebody about, it’s something that you both hate’) unite together Mannfans as diverse as a Vancouver-based priest and a Mancunian theoretical physicist?

Fifty one-on-one Zoom calls later, he provides audio evidence that suggests that, well, just maybe it can…


Next, as has become traditional, there’s some superb live music - in the form of an exclusive performance from singer-songwriter Griff.

She talks to Olly about her ‘best worst year ever’ - being nominated for an Ivor Novello award whilst still in her teens, yet thwarted from playing to live crowds - and treats us to two stripped-down tracks: a haunting rendition of single 1,000,000 X Better, and our Record of the Month, ‘Love is a Compass’ - as featured in this year’s Disney Christmas ad.

You can hear all our music selections from the past five years in this Spotify playlist.


Disney are donating 100% of proceeds for every download made before 31 December 2020 to Make-A-Wish, a charity helping bring small gifts of joy to children with life-threatening illnesses.

Finally, the year’s sexscapades reach a thrilling climax with Alix Fox digging deep in her box of questionable props for another truly unforgettable XXXmas Foxhole Christmas Quiz.

Can Olly Mann locate the labia in under two minutes? Can Ollie Peart stomach a squizz of Bijoux Indiscrets ‘Blowjob Spray’? And how will the boys fare as their anatomical knowledge is put to the test, with the aid of a Dick On A Stick cock-waffle? You will squirm, you will learn, you will laugh.

The Foxhole is sponsored by The Condom People, where you can discreetly purchase premium condoms and lubes including vegan-friendly Skyns and German brand On. Get 15% off with the code FOXHOLE at TheCondomPeople.com.


This episode of The Modern Mann is proudly supported by:

Virtual Game Night, the fully interactive gameshow experience. To turn your next virtual gathering into a Virtual Game Night, visit virtualgamenight.live/mann for a free demo. Then, take 20% off any package with the code MANN20.

• Beer52, the world’s number one craft beer club. Claim your FREE case right now at beer52.com/Modern.

We also need your donations to keep going.

We’re a totally independent podcast - our only income comes from the adverts you hear and the money you give.

Despite everything 2020 has chucked at us, we’ve still cranked out monthly episodes, thanks to YOUR contributions.

We’ve taken you door-to-door on the election trail, exposed injustice in one of our biggest institutions, and brought you an exclusive interview with one of the most unassuming success stories in UK tech history.

No celebs, no-one trying to shift copies of their memoirs... we share these stories with you because they matter

If you value what we do, support us to produce more.

Thank you.

Happy Christmas!

Stay safe, and we’ll see you with a brand new season of the show on Jan 10.

LISTEN: Apple // Spotify // Google // MP3 // RSS // TuneIn
Posted on December 10, 2020 and filed under Season Eleven.