9/7 - The Empty Seat

Samuel was nine years old when he first asked his Dad, Martin, to raise some money for the other children on his ward to have some nicer meals…

Samuel’s Charity is now registered, and has raised over £200,000 for under-funded children’s wards.

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In this moving interview with Olly, Martin explains why small charities are so very necessary, how even teaspoons and toasters can make a dramatic difference to the lives of unwell children, and how Samuel’s mission helps him cope with his grief.


To donate to Samuel’s Charity, and find out more, visit samuelscharity.co.uk.

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Elsewhere, in The Zeitgeist, Ollie Peart has ventured on down to Shoreditch to test out the latest health fad… vitamin drips.

And, as the competition for Christmas No.1 gets ever more intense, it’s time for him to lay down his vocals for ‘The Sounds of Christmas’. Shudder.

Meanwhile, in this week’s Foxhole, Alix Fox advises a listener with a predilection for promiscuity. How should he manage his fantasies of ‘pozzing’ and ‘bug-chasing’ - engaging in deliberately unsafe sex to contract HIV - when in the cold light of day he’s disturbed by his risk-taking and concerned for his health?

Finally, our record of the week is ‘Marlow’ by Leytonstone alt-pop band Banfi:

Remember, our show is free to download, but it isn’t free to produce. If you can afford to support us by buying us a virtual pint of beer - or a monthly donation via PayPal - just visit our Beer Money page.

Or, if you have a story you’d like to share on a future edition of the show, head on over to our Feedback form - ditto if you have a question of sex for Alix, a challenge for Ollie, or would like to nominate yourself as a Mannbassador.

See You Next Tuesday!

Posted on December 4, 2018 and filed under Season Nine.