9/6 - The Face Detectives

Don’t you hate it when you forget a face?

Spare a thought for the 1.5 million people in the UK suffering from developmental prosopagnosia - facial blindness. In its most acute form, they’re unable to recognise their friends, their family… even their own reflection.

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Dr Rachel Bennetts, psychology lecturer at Brunel University, specialises in researching facial processing disorders. In this fascinating interview with Olly, she explains what life is like for those who can’t follow the narrative of TV shows or recognise their colleagues - and why their brain is letting them down.


The Modern Mann team as painted by our artist-in-residence, Danny Mooney, who has prosopagnosia

Elsewhere this week, Ollie Peart tests out the latest home fitness trends in the Zeitgeist, including yoga-training app Asana Rebel, and on-demand fitness class Fiit. Plus, he updates us on his attempt to reach Christmas No.1. Can he get a record label to release ‘The Sounds Of Christmas’ in time for the festive charts?

Meanwhile, down the Foxhole, Alix Fox - fresh from handcuffing herself to a shower in the interests of bodily pleasure - considers a question of self-exhibitionism from a Mannfan who loves to share nudie pics. What are the risks he exposes himself to when he, um, exposes himself? And is there a safer way to get a thrill than using sites like Tumblr and Temporarily Exposed?

Finally, our record of the week comes from new girlband 303, and their track Whisper:

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If you’d like to share YOUR story on the show, if you have a challenge for Ollie, a question of sex for Alix, or anything else - just fill out our Feedback form.

See You Next Tuesday!

Posted on November 27, 2018 and filed under Season Nine.